Totem and interaction with current (crappy) sound systems

Hi all,

as discused with Bastien on IRC, I want to expose some concerns I have with totem.

The first one is about totem blocking the dsp device, this is, when totem finishes playing an mp3 file, it goes to pause mode. In pause mode Totem will not release the dsp device. So causing other apps to block (xmms, ...). As Bastien says, the Right Thing (tm) is to fix the crappy sound system, but as you know, this is not going to happen in the 2.4 timeframe. This is also related to Totem not providing an STOP button (which should release the dsp device). Currently you can't replay a song, you must get the slide to the beggining (compared to clicking play in xmms).

The second one is about a11y. Someone on IRC asked about this play and pause on the same button was an issue for a11y.

As there is an ongoing discussion I just wanted to stop this two items.


Manuel Clos
llanero eresmas net

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