Re: 2.4 New Accessibility Features

<quote who="Bill Haneman">

> > but they do need to be accepted by the maintainer of the module, checked
> > in and released by the feature freeze date, *preferably* before (so they
> > can get adequate testing -> we've had bad experiences with new features
> > getting in right on the deadline).
> Sure: but it's explicit in GEP-11 that if a new feature is too broken, it
> gets pulled.

"... if a module ..." -> GEP 11 only deals with new *modules*, not features.

> Approval in gep-11 isn't a guarantee of inclusion, as I read it.  So I
> don't see this as a big risk, though of course we're trying to get these
> in with sufficient time for folks to comment and re-jig a little if
> necessary.

If, after a module is confirmed to be part of the process at feature freeze,
the release team decides it's too much of a risk to the release process, we
reserve the right to remove it from the release.

Example: gigglesplork is accepted as a new module, but three weeks before
the first beta, it is found to have no docs and thirteen crash bugs. The
release team removes it from the modules list, because there's no chance
it's going to be stable or even testable before release.

- Jeff

-- 2004: Adelaide, Australia
                  Push the envelope, or push the daisies.

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