custom icons (was: Re: icons in gnome-desktop)

On Sat, 2003-05-17 at 16:43, textshell neutronstar dyndns org wrote:
> Slightly offtopic:
> You suggest to remove a lots of icons. But i think a good desktop needs some
> icons that are unused so the user has a set of icons for custom thinks or
> applications that don't come with an icon. I with a good set of generally usable
> icons the desktop feels easyer to customize, because the user doesn't need a
> drawing program.
> Just see all the icons windows ships (for advanced users) in moreicons.dll
> progman.exe and co.
> So please keep some unused icon around or even add a few general purpose icons.
> Martin H.

Right... Now that it was mentioned... I always thought that the "select
custom icon" functionality isn't userfriendly right now, because, while
it shows loads of icons to choose from (/usr/share/pixmaps), most of
them are already used by other applications and only a few are really
generally useful. So most of my custom launchers end up with an apple or
a tigerhead. ;) Wouldn't it be great if this would show a folder with a
few high quality custom icons instead?


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