Re: GNOME2.3: Modemlights applet

On Sat, 2003-05-10 at 14:02, Xan Lopez wrote:
> What about changing the modemlights applet for the netspeed applet
> (
> I've been happily using it for months now, it's stable, cute,
> minimalistic, etc...

That would be a regression in the sense that netspeed_applet doesn't
duplicate the functionality of modemlights. As well as displaying the
in/out traffic on a connection, modemlights can at the click of a button
connect/disconnect ppp.

I can't see how the current modemlights applet can 'just work' on all
distributions without some rather obscure setting-up by the user. Not
even sure ./configure magic could help - the name of the lockfile
depends which serial port the modem is using, etc.

Perhaps the best improvement would be a carefully designed druid to set
up the applet/ppp - perhaps it should even understand the .ini files for
setting up DNS that ISPs sometimes provide?


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