Re: bug-buddy branched

Andrew Sobala wrote:

On Mon, 2003-02-03 at 16:08, Fernando Herrera wrote:
	In the other hand, a good point of using http is that we can
requiere the user to have a valid bugzilla account... do we want this?

I'd say not. A lot of non-bugzilla-users are very helpful when asked for
further information by e-mail, but would not have reported the bug in
the first place if they had to register first.
I have talked to a few people on IRC who were hesitant to submit a bug because of the registration process ("not another silly web site wanting me to register ..."). When the reason for the registration process was explained, they felt it was okay and registered. Some of the reasons to register are:

   * registration is required to make sure the email address you enter
     belongs to you (prevents bugzilla from being used to spam others).
   * notification when your bug gets fixed, and the ability to give
     extra information to help the developer fix your problem quicker.
   * ability to get notification of changes to bugs you are interested
     in but did not submit (through the CC mechanism).
   * ability to customise the types of notification you get (this will
     be a much stronger argument after the bugzilla upgrade).

Maybe if we added some of these reasons to the create account page under a heading like "why should I bother registering?" (and in bug-buddy if it ever gets support for creating bugzilla accounts).


Email: james daa com au

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