Re: KDE and Gnome

On Wed, 2003-08-27 at 09:29, Michele Campeotto wrote:
> Il mar, 2003-08-26 alle 18:34, Julien Olivier ha scritto:
> > We agree on this. I'd like to have a unified _look_ to fix the _look_
> > problem, which is a problem per se. Other problems will have their own
> > solutions. And I've never pretended that fixing the _look_ problem would
> > fix the _feel_ problem too. Just to make sure we understand each other.
>   Julien, the solution is there waiting for someone to code it:
>     1. Your mhytical shared "look" library.
>     2. A GTK engine that draws widgets calling liblook functions.
>     3. A QT scheme that draws widgets calling liblook functions.
>     4. Done.

OK, let's do it then ;)

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