Re: urk- mozilla as default viewer for a lot of things instead of epiphany

Marco has made a similar patch for gnome-mime-data, it probably does
more stuff though, like add the appropriate mime types for xhtml (which
would break string freeze though :(.
rms would say that netscape should be removed from gnome-mime-data ;)


Le mar 19/08/2003 à 02:30, Luis Villa a écrit :
> I clicked on a mrproject file today in nautilus and got... mozilla. 
> 1) gnome-vfs.mime lists only .mrp as the mrproject extension, when
> mrproject seems to currently default to .mrproject. 
> 2) looking through, text/html and text/xml still
> default to mozilla. I've switched that to epiphany,galeon,mozilla [etc.]
> Can someone take a look at the attached patch and make sure that it is
> correct?
> 3) the two webdav types are serviced /only/ by mozilla- is that right?
> Can epiphany handle those?
> Anyway, I think these clearly ought to be fixed before release- it would
> be pretty embarassing to send out #2 in particular. :) Attached is a
> patch for the first two- can I commit?
> Luis

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