Re: Nautilus list view Ctrl-Select


On Sun, 2003-08-17 at 02:52, Rémi Cohen-Scali wrote:
> I have a problem with selection in nautilus list view when the 'Locate 
> pointer with ctrl key' feature is activated. When on this feature avoid 
> list items selection with CTRL key in Nautilus  list view.
> Not sure if this is nautilus specific or gtk wide.
> Also not sure how to report/find it in bugzilla.
> I had this also with gnome 2.2 but didn't made the parallel with the 
> 'Locate pointer' feature.

BTW, I miss the windows explorer's Shift+Arrow shortcut keys sometimes.
That way I can select all files in a row or in a column, or in a
rectangular fashion, holding down the shift key and hitting arrows.
Enver ALTIN (a.k.a. skyblue)	- Software developer, generic solvent		- mailto: ealtin at casdb dot com	- Just me, myself and I.

Ehrman's Commentary:
	(1) Things will get worse before they get better.
	(2) Who said things would get better?

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