2.3 Hard UI Freeze and String Freeze

GNOME 2.3 development is now in hard UI freeze and string freeze:
  No UI changes may be made at all without confirmation from the release 
  team. No string changes may be made without confirmation from the i18n
  team and notification to release team.

  From this point, developers can concentrate on stability and bug-fixing. 
  Translators can work without worrying that the original English strings 
  will change, and documentation writers can take accurate screenshots.

Here's what to do if you think you need to break a freeze:

Well done for all the hard work so far. GNOME 2.4 is looking good and the
world looks forward to it. You are proving once again that GNOME can make
regular, high-quality, incremental releases.

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net

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