Re: GEP-11: Application list for 2.4

Murray Cumming Comneon com writes:
> > From: Calum Benson [mailto:calum benson sun com] 
> > Bill's just reminded me to make sure we mention the new accessibility
> > features we're intending to propose for inclusion in 2.4... 
> > some of them
> > are just new features rather than whole new app(lets), but here goes
> > anyway:
> > 
snip snip

> > - GUI to turn AT support on and off (unfortunately it can't just
> > transparently be turned on when you start an AT, at the moment)

It should be possible to turn this on from the console, as well. 

It should also be possible to turn this on and off via a dedicated,
single keyboard command. The reasons is that many of us won't be turning
anything on reliably without either console or keyboard commands.

> > 
> - Possibly an 'accessibility wizard' to simplify the process 
> > of setting
> > up an accessible environment

It is critical that it be possible to do this from the console, if not
the CLI itself. If the GUI accessibility environment is mucked up
somehow, the pwd needs a reliable way to get it back. And, that will
often be another accessible environment, such as the console.

For example, if I inadvertently push my speech rate up over 1K words per
minute, nothing on the GUI is going to help me get it back.

				Janina Sajka, Director
				Technology Research and Development
				Governmental Relations Group
				American Foundation for the Blind (AFB)

Email: janina afb net		Phone: (202) 408-8175

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