Re: galculator should be included in Gnome

On Sat, Apr 26, 2003 at 02:26:29PM +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Hey,
> The release team received this suggestion - seems there are quite a few
> people agreeing that galculator "feels" a lot nicer than gcalctool, though
> there have also been suggestions that the code is less than desireable.
> gcalctool certainly needs some appearance love. :-)
> Thoughts?

Based purely on the screenshots (yeah I should download it ;-)), it
looks like the main appearance edge of gcalculator is hardcoding
nonstandard fonts/colors in the display area, and that isn't going to
fly i18n/a11y-wise.  The other thing I see that looks nicer is that
the buttons are a bit smaller - gcalctool seems to have all its
buttons pushed larger by the "Exch" button. But not a big deal.

There are HIG-compliance issues in the screenshots - prefs dialog has
wrong frame style and isn't instant apply, window titles are wrong,

I actually thought gcalctool was looking pretty good these days.

Someone should do a more in-depth look at the code I suppose.


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