Re: bookmark management and other code reuse

Marius Andreiana writes:
There are several gnome applications which implement bookmark management
( galeon, ephiphany, nautilus, gftp, yelp ). The degree of usability and
functionality varies from great ( galeon ) to very bad ( gftp ) and
planning ( yelp ). I don't know how it is in ephiphany.
I think the galeon bookmarks code is completely separated from main
code, need to check this. I suggest to the other application developers
to use that too. I CC'ed gftp author, yelp already has a bug with this.
While i think the concept of system wide bookmarks is a good one, I think 
you will have a hard time convincing other projects to go with one system or 
another. This is mainly due to issues of ui. Speaking on behalf of epiphany, 
we have spent a substantial amount of time redesigning our bookmark system 
to be more database like as oppose to folder (file system) like ala galeon, 
and we are very happy with the result in terms of usability. Of course if 
other core gnome projects were interested in using the epiphany bm approach 
in their project i'm sure we could work on it. 


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