jhbuild changes

I have made a few changes to jhbuild recently that you may want to know about.

First of all, the gnome22 and gnome24 module sets now build fontconfig, Render, Xrender and Xft from CVS (keithp.com). Previously it was building fcpackage.2_1.tar.gz, which was getting a bit out of date. Since fontconfig,etc require libtool 1.5 to build, "jhbuild bootstrap" has been updated to build that version.

I have also improved support for alternative CVS roots. If you have an read/write account for one of the other repositories, you can get jhbuild to use that account to check things out. For example, to get jhbuild to check out gstreamer as "thomasvs", you could add the following to your ~/.jhbuildrc: cvsroots['gstreamer.net'] = ':ext:thomasvs cvs sourceforge net:/cvsroot/gstreamer'


Email: james daa com au
WWW:   http://www.daa.com.au/~james/

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