Re: new run dialog

Frank Worsley <fworsley shaw ca> writes:

> I had some time to redo the run dialog using glade and just generally
> clean up the code and add some features. The result are some new files
> and patches here:

Hi Frank,

I've been meaning to comment on your vfs patches for a while, but I
haven't been able to find the time to go through them closely enough.  I
feel bad that all this work you've done has gone uncommented on for so
long.  At a high level, there are two directions I personally would like
to see the mime code go:

 1) I'd like to see us drop use of gconf keys for the helper apps as
    much as possible.  It seemed like you started in that direction, but
    then added the component viewer.  I'm not 100% sure what that is
    supposed to do.  Having multiple ways to configure helper
    applications is just confusing.

 2) I'd like to see gnome_url_show() turn completely into a wrapper for
    a gnome_vfs.  It seems like you did a nice job there.

> To try it pop panel-run-dialog.* into the panel directory and apply the
> different patches and it should work. Everything is for cvs head.
> New features?
> 1. Support complex commands and variable expansion. For example:
>      command1 && command2 || (this && that); read KEY; echo "DONE"
> This is done by running the commands through the user's default shell.


> The following however does not work:
>     SOME_VAR=foo my_command
> Workaround is:
>     bash -c "SOME_VAR=foo my_command"

How about "env SOME_VAR=foo my_command" as an alternative?
</tcsh user>

> 2. Command completion for known executables ala nautilus location bar.

Nice.  I've been wanting this for a while.  It would also be cool to
have it complete along the filesystem if you start the line with '~' or
'/'.  This way typing ~/myfile.txt or /usr/bin/gnome-terminal could be

> 3. Drag the icon to create launchers from the commands you entered.

Cool.  I thought that existed previously.  If it didn't, it should have.

> 4. You can specify locations relative to your home directory. So if you...
> 5. Since it uses the new gnome_url_show stuff all kinds of locations are...
> 6. I made absolutely sure the text entry always gets focus when the...
> 7. Made more accessible. I added more descriptions and stuff.
> 8. Default icon is GTK_STOCK_EXECUTE so it should be themeable. Only...

All good stuff.  A lot of this should probably go into the dialog
independent of the state of the gnome-vfs stuff.


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