RE: GEP-11: Application list for 2.4 - Accessibility

> From: Calum Benson [mailto:calum benson sun com] 
> Bill's just reminded me to make sure we mention the new accessibility
> features we're intending to propose for inclusion in 2.4... 
> some of them
> are just new features rather than whole new app(lets), but here goes
> anyway:


> - AccessX status indicator (either an applet or status tray 
> thing, still
> trying to decide which)

Can you tell us what this is?

> - GUI to control existing Visual Bell feature
> - GUI to turn AT support on and off (unfortunately it can't just
> transparently be turned on when you start an AT, at the moment)

AT = "Accessibility Technology", right?

By the way, how will people be able to turn on the accessibility technology
support before the accessibility technology support is turned on? Will
accessible PCs always need to be setup by someone else?

> - New gtk-engine for the high contrast themes to use, e.g. to ensure
> widget borders are visible in the inverse themes
> - Possibly an 'accessibility wizard' to simplify the process 
> of setting
> up an accessible environment

Murray Cumming
murrayc usa net 

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