Re: GNOME Development Series Addition

On Sat, 2003-04-12 at 18:38, Havoc Pennington wrote:
> > Oh My God, too many control panels!
> Welcome to reality. ;-) 

I can't see a RH desktop at the moment, but I remember thinking that
maybe some of the prefs could be merged. I think there were several
prefs relating to the user (GDM login face, user details, password)
which could be merged into an "About Me" capplet [1]

> > I think adding an entry into stock GNOME isn't the same as adding an
> > entry into RH -- you already seriously move around the menus so we
> > should not look at RH GNOME when deciding how to arrange the menus.
> I don't agree that we seriously move around the menus, the toplevel
> categories are the same, except that System Settings has been added.

I can only talk for RH8, I know RH9 has re-arranged again (Extra has
gone I believe). I think I counted three extra folders, but this is RH8
and I still need to see a RH9 system.

> But GNOME upstream needs to have an answer to how System Settings
> should be done.


> Sure, but people developing GNOME should also be looking at how GNOME
> will fit in to a complete OS. If GNOME plus "a way to configure your 
> color depth" comes out badly, then GNOME has a problem.

I agree -- RH[89] is very useful in some ways as it has tested ideas
which people previously could only guess about, such as Extra-> and
system/user prefs.  My point was that for some people RH GNOME *is*

> GNOME could include a way to configure your color depth, but then
> GNOME has the same questions to answer that I do for Red Hat -> and
> we're back to this thread.
> So in any case, GNOME needs to answer this question of how to present
> systemwide vs. personal settings.

I understand. I apologise if I didn't make myself clear.


[1] Is there a better word apart from Control Panel for this?
Ross Burton                                 mail: ross burtonini com
                                      jabber: ross jabber debian net
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