Question about gtk/metacity

I'm not sure which component this is related to, so I'm posting it here.
Please suggest which mailing list I should actually ask (or which
component to file a bug against).

I was working on fixing the accessibility issues of sticky notes by
getting rid of it's custom window decorations and using the normal
window manager ones. What I wanted to do was have all window decorations
be invisible normally. When a note comes into focus, the window
decorations appear. When it loses focus, the window decorations

I thought focus-based-window-decorations would be easy to implement. I
registered a callback for the "focus" event of the top-level window, and
in the callback, I called gtk_window_set_decorated with either TRUE or
FALSE depending on focus in/out.

However, this is what happens: When the window gets focus, a chain
reaction of focus in's and out's occur, continuously. It's as if setting
decorations to TRUE causes the window to lose focus, which make it lose
decorations, which causes it to gain focus, and so on.

Is this a bug, or my fault. Is there a workaround?

|   Loban Amaan Rahman  <-- anagram of -->  Aha! An Abnormal Man!   |
| loban earthling net, loban caltech edu, |

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