Re: Scripting choices [Was: 2.4 Module List - zenity]

Havoc said:

> I don't think you want object-introspection level scripting for simple
> user-visible macro functionality anyhow. Using the accessibility stuff
> isn't a hack, it's exactly the right thing - it works in terms of
> user-visible features such as menu items.
> Havoc

I agree. This is one of the things the accessibility framework was
designed to handle.  Conversely, the accessibility stuff needs exactly
these sorts of features in order to work with assistive technologies. 
So why support such massively overlapping functionality twice, when we
already have an implementation?

For those who like scripting languages, we have ATK python bindings and
surely at-spi python bindings (for out-of-process manipulations) would
not be a lot of work.


Bill Haneman <bill haneman sun com>

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