Re: making FAM a required dependency

On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 01:33:07PM -0500, James Willcox wrote:
> Hi all,
> gnome-vfs supports the monitoring of local files through FAM.  This is a
> great feature, but currently it's not one we can depend on, since FAM
> support is optional.  Consequently, if you want things to work as
> expected, you have to handle the situation where monitoring isn't
> supported by implementing your own monitoring stuff.  I see at least 2
> ways to fix this problem.
> 1)  Make FAM a required dependency for gnome-vfs
> 2)  Implement a fallback monitoring impl. in gnome-vfs when FAM isn't
> available.  (only for local files)
> IMHO, 1) is the best solution, assuming that FAM works on all the
> platforms we plan to support.

Err, isn't FAM extremely non-portable, though?  As far as I know, it
only works on IRIX, and with some weird tweaks, Linux.  I don't think
this is a good idea.

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