Re: panel launcher click feedback

Hi Jacob,

On 18 Sep 2002, jacob berkman wrote:

> this patch adds some zoom animation when you launch a panel launcher.
> dave camp *promised* me a patch which will do the same thing in nautilus
> when it opens something in an external window.
> since it makes X calls which depend on screen sizes, i just made it use
> the multihead stuff in GTK and didn't write a version for gtk 2.0.  [
> when can we just require gtk multihead? ]

	The multihead stuff is no longer conditional on HEAD. I took
hp's lead on this when committing the multihead patches for libwnck
and did the same for the panel.

> is this ok to go into HEAD?

	The patch looks okay, but I've a few comments:

	* I'm nervous about the server grab - I know its neccessary
	  for IncludeInferiors but given that the server grab for the
	  logout iris is causing a lockup with accessibility ...

	* I'd prefer if the animation code used gdk rather than Xlib.
	  The only GCValues member used by the code and not exported
	  by gdk is plane_mask. Maybe I'm stupid but I don't see what
	  would be wrong with using AllPlanes on a PsuedoColor visual.
	  In any case, if it uses Xlib could you put it in xstuff.c.

	* Also could you have draw_zoom_animation use the same
	  indentation style as most of the rest of the panel.

	* The animation should be switched off when animations have
	  been disabled from the global preferences dialog.

	Anyway feel free to commit once you've fixed these up ..


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