Help suckage for GNOME2 ..continued

  Hi  All

  Help is not working at all for GNOME2 (for almost all application).
  There is already   a bug (ID 73312) is present against this in bugzilla. 
  I have analyzed the issue  and following things can be done to resolve it .

  Currently all the applications use GNOMEUIINFO_HELP to show the help topics.
  GNOMEUIINFO_HELP is broken on GNOME2  and applications using this macro 
  are not able to show the help topics .  The issue can be resolved in following ways

  1. As Yelp is now the default browser for GNOME2,  applications can use Yelp
     to show the help files . Instead of having various .html files for different 
     help topics,  applications shall have a single .xml file which will be fired 
     by Yelp. 

     For this  GNOMEUIINFO_HELP needs to be changed in libgnomeui .
     In stead of parsing the TOC file and getting the help topics , libgnomeui
     shall create a menu item ("Contents" or "Help Manual") and associate 
     gnome_help_display() with it . Clicking on either "Contents" or "Help Manual"
     shall fire yelp with the application's help file (.xml file).     
     The earlier way of handling the help topics (parsing of TOC file, creating menus
     for each help topic ) can be put under a deprecated flag so that application can be 
     compiled and brought up in 1.x way also . 
     Following this way,  no changes need to be done in applications and applications 
     can continue only calling GNOMEUIINFO_HELP to show their help topics.

     The other way can be -  

      Application can create menus for help topics and associate gnome_help_display()
      with each of them,  which will fire Yelp with the help file (.xml file) . 
      (the way gedit does it on GNOME2.0 )
      In this case all the applications need to  be modified to incorporate this change.

  2. One more solution can be 
     The issues with GNOMEUIINFO_HELP (failing of scrollkeeper-get-toc-from-docpath,
     xmlParseFile etc )   can be fixed in libgnomeui.  

     But in this case libgnomeui  shall be using scrollkeeper and has to parse   
     TOC-files (the 1.4 way of  doing the things ) .Also all the application need to
     retain their old (1.x) help files   (index.html and friends) . 

    I hope this helps in  getting the help items working on GNOME 2. 
    Expecting your comments on the best way of resolving the issue.


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