Re: vte performance issues ...

On Tue, 2002-07-30 at 21:44, Malcolm Tredinnick wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 30, 2002 at 10:11:29PM -0500, Seth Nickell wrote:
> > > 	And to conclude - it's great to have an i18n-able terminal, but my
> > > experience with it has been like wading through treacle: extraordinarily
> > > frustrating.
> > 
> > Ever since reading some of P.G. Wodehouse's excellent book series on
> > Wooster and Jeeves I have wondered this. What is treacle, and what are
> > its uses (other than to be used in breaking and entering)?
> Heh. :-) The more traditional use is as an ingredient in cooking. There
> are some cultural barriers in place here, so Telsa or one of the Irish
> Sun guys might have a different answer, but in Australia the thing
> called treacle is similar to a very thick form of maple syrup (and much
> more sickly sweet). However, over here, it is reasonably uncommon and we
> tend to substitue "golden syrup", which is slightly different again, I
> have been led to understand.

I always thought of treacle as a little thicker than golden syrup, and
not maple flavoured. I think its made out of cane syrup. I think.

I found a close aproximation of golden syrup in Safeway here in the US.
Now I need to make pikelets.

Ian (aussie ex-pat)

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