RE: Extending the panel

I like the idea of the appledock very much (although I never used it),
but please don't forget that everything has to be optimised for it to
make an idea really work. This was IMO always a problem of free
software, implementing features of other systems without making sure
that everything works perfectly together.
For example the "icon opens current window instead of new one" isn't
quite usefull when you don't have your icons at the same place as the
docked applications. Also the OSX docks resize feature makes it probably
a _lot_ more usefull. This screenshot seems to show this pretty nicely:
I agree that this is probably a much better way to switch between
windows than the taskbar but it wouldn't be a good idea just to put all
options in. It should be done _right_ from the beginning, whatever
_right_ is. :) Fact is, if we just do a simple applet now that places
minimizes windows in there, it would just be a cheap ripoff of the OSX
dock, nowhere as usefull as the competition.
And there would be other problems... For example, should only minimized
windows be docked or all windows? If all windows, would the miniimage
have to be updated all the time? That would suck a lot of CPU power. But
only showing minimized windows wouldn't be a real replacement for the
taskbar so it would be very inconvenient for people on low resolutions,
running all their apps in fullscreen.
It's extremely difficult to get taskmanagment completely right, even if
you only support "one way"...
I wish we would replace the taskbar with something more innovative


On Wed, 2002-07-31 at 14:14, Michael Petnuch wrote:
> ATM I can't provide a screenshot but perhaps I can explain myself better.
> I currently use the applet for my panel that displays the programs I have
> open ( task manager I think its called).  As you know it simply shows the
> title of the program with its icon.  This is very similiar to how MS Windows
> does it.
> OTOH, Apple takes a little different approach.  Instead of showing you the
> program name and icon it shows you the entire window (only when its
> minimized though, otherwise it would clutter too much).  This I think is
> very cool becuase (1) one it more visual and (2) its easier to switch to the
> program I want.
> I hope Im explaining myself well, if not perhaps someone with OSX can
> provide a screenshot of what I mean.
> Also (perhaps Im getting carried away ;-) another think I like about Apple's
> dock is that when you click on the icons they would open up the current
> program window (if its already open) instead of opening up a new process.
> Perhap we could have another option in the panel prefs to either behave more
> like ms or more like apple.  Could be neat.
> Thanks for you time.
> Oh and sorry for the "disclaimer message" my company appends that to every
> external email.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Seth Nickell [mailto:snickell stanford edu]
> Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 11:13 PM
> To: Michael Petnuch
> Cc: 'desktop-devel-list lists gnome org'
> Subject: Re: Extending the panel
> On Mon, 2002-07-29 at 07:41, Michael Petnuch wrote:
> > For the future, I would like to request one large feature, that is of
> course
> > if other people find it useful and practical to.
> > 
> > One of the neatest things that I enjoy about Apple's dock ( the other is
> the
> > way the file menu and such is put into the top menu bar - but that would
> > quite a change from how it is done now that I don't think it would be
> > possible without a substantial effort) is the way it handles minimized
> > windows.
> > 
> > Although I have a task manager open I find it cumbersome when compared to
> > Apple's method of showing the window in the right of the dock.  This makes
> > finding open things much easier because I can see the window of the
> program.
> > Such is the case if I had multiple things open, instead of relying on
> > filename or something I could just look at the picture which is much
> faster.
> > 
> > So is their any home of such a thing being extended into the gnome panel.
> > Does any one else enjoy this feature?
> I'm not sure I follow exactly what you want. Could you illustrate with a
> screenshot or provide a more detailed explanation?
> -Seth
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