Why matched window in sawfish don't work?

I start gkrellm when desktop is starting. I don't want see XMMS and
gkrellm in Window List, so I set this in sawfish:matched_windows.

(custom-set-typed-variable (quote match-window-profile) (quote
((((WM_NAME . "^XMMS$") (WM_CLASS . "^xmms/XMMS_Player$")) (sticky . #t)
(sticky-viewport . #t) (cycle-skip . #t) (window-list-skip . #t)
(skip-tasklist . #t)) (((WM_NAME . "^gkrellm$")) (sticky . #t)
(sticky-viewport . #t) (cycle-skip . #t) (window-list-skip . #t)
(ignore-stacking-requests . #t) (skip-tasklist . #t)))) (quote
match-window) (quote sawfish.wm.ext.match-window))

It worked right but after upgrade to gnome2-daily snapshot from ximian
this feature didn't work. 

Is it known bug? I didn't find it in bugzilla. Is any solution of this


Pavel Lisy <pali tmapy cz>
T-MAPY spol. s r.o., http://www.tmapy.cz
Nezvalova 850, Hradec Kralove, 50003
tel: +420-49-5513335 fax: +420-49-5513371

O mapach vime vse: http://www.tmapserver.cz

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