Re: [PATCH] GUI enhancements for gsearchtool

Christian Rose wrote:
> One of the Interface Hall of Shame's criticisms against the Windows 95
> search tool is that it resizes itself after the search -- the window
> gets bigger when the results are shown, and if you have positioned the
> window near the bottom of the screen, results will likely be shown
> off-screen, so there is a danger of not getting feedback that the search
> completed and results were found. Have you considered this? What is your
> opinion?

Well, my personal opinion is that a dialog should be clever enough to
reposition itself when it resizes, so that none of it lies off-screen. 
Dialogs shouldn't generally go around resizing and repositioning
themselves, of course, but I would argue that it's just about acceptable
if it's in direct response to a user action.

What do Macintosh dialogs with disclosure triangles do in this
situation?  I can't remember, to be honest.

It's a reasonable criticism, though... I told you the design wasn't
perfect!  :o)


CALUM BENSON, Usability Engineer       Sun Microsystems Ireland
mailto:calum benson ireland sun com    Desktop Engineering Group                      +353 1 819 9771

Any opinions are personal and not necessarily those of Sun Microsystems

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