Re: Question on scrollkeeper-update

Yes yes, that makes perfect sence. However, i would presume that building a database would require disk, memory or CPU activity. And non of this is the case for about 20 + seconds. Its just sitting idle.

Thats the part im realy wondering about ;-)

Rémi Cohen-Scali wrote:

Build its metadata base to be able to work. It needs to update these
data because some new docs are installed

le ven 18-01-2002 à 01:45, Chris Chabot a écrit :

At the end of the gnome-core (1.5.4) compile, it runs

   scrollkeeper-update -p /var/lib/scrollkeeper

This process takes longer then it takes some packes to compile (on my compile box anyways), and seems to do no heavy disk IO (according to vmstat and 'the human ear listening to the HDs'), and CPU usage is near 0.

What is it doing, and why is it taking so long?

   -- Chris

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