error in gnome-terminal in gnome-core-1.5.4

Hi all,

I tried to compile gnome-core-1.5.4 and it always gives error at the bind_textdomain_codeset function.

I upgraded to gettext  0.10.40-1, but this does not solved the problem.

So as it seems the problem is in glibc, can you modify the configure script so that it tells you what glibc version do you need?

it is used in gnome-ditem-edit.c, and in gnome-terminal:

gnome-terminal.o: In function `main_terminal_program':
/opt/temp/gnome-core-1.5.4/gnome-terminal/gnome-terminal.c:2895: undefined reference to `bind_textdomain_codeset'

I'm using Debian potato
glibc version: 2.1.3-19

Should I file a bug against the configure script?


Manuel Clos
llanero jazzfree com

* Si no puedes hacerlo bien, hazlo bonito (Bill Gates)
* If you can't do it well, do it nice (Bill Gates)

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