Re: Where must I post this sugestions ???

Nicolás Rucks <rucks chasque apc org> said:

> I suscribed to this list two or three days ago and I want to make some 
> sugestions to be implemented in the new Gnome 2 version.
> Primary there are usability improvements related to nautilus, and one to 
> the core of gnome.
> I am a windows (ughhh) programer and have no experience programing on 
> linux. I think I am not able to do it myself but I think this fetures 
> should de done.
> All of them are easy to implement I think.
> Here is the list:
> API Imporvements:
> 1) To add an API funtion to display a cursor with a clock (like the one 
> in mozilla when a page is loding) so the user can know that the app is 
> doing something and user input is not allowed.
> Desktop and Nautilus Improvements

I believe there is a specification for how application 
feedback should be handled. Apparently this is aimed to be added to gnome in 
the 2.2 time scale, but im not sure of the progress here.

> 2) To display the progress cursor (sugestion 1) when an Icon is double 
> clicked and an app is starting (like KDE 3 does), so someone can get 
> feedback of the double click and do not click again the same icon to 
> start a second time the app. It will be very very very useful

see above

> 3) In the desktop add menu items to arrange icons like align icons to 
> grid, by type, auto arrange, etc (not only arrange by name).

i would love to see windows style automatic layout (auto arrange) for all 
nautilus icon views.

> 4) Add in the context menu of the desktop the items for file managment 
> that are available in normal nautilus windows (create new folder, etc).

They are there for me

> 5) Add items to nautilus context menus for creating new files (HTML, 
> Script, Text File, etc, the file formats should be configurable)

This has been discussed in the past and there is an open bug.

> 6) When I want to delete a file (SHFT+DEL) on nautilus, the focus 
> remains on the main nautilus window, I must click the dialog asking to 
> confirm the operation to gain focus and then confirm (very anoying to a 
> user that use the keyboard primary)

sounds like a bug.


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