Re: Application names in menus

Glynn Foster <glynn foster sun com> writes:
> > Now it turns out the desktop file spec does apparently have some sort of
> > GenericName field. I need to find out the details on this so I can
> > integrate that information into the HIG suggestion.
> Yeah, this took me by surprise yesterday too....I didn't know it
> existed...and having checked out it doesn't? Does
> the draft spec need to be updated? Otherwise it should be something like
> X-GNOME-GenericName, no? I must be clearly missing something :/

GenericName was agreed on because KDE was using the Comment field for
that. i.e. they had:

Comment=Web Browser

Now they mostly have:

GenericName=Web Browser

and no Comment at all, which is better.

For this Red Hat release I determined that there was no sane way to
deal with Name/GenericName, so we are just always using Name, and
sometimes making Name be a generic name. It's all screwy as hell.
Really broken right now if you start mixing gnome and kde desktop
files. I wrote a whole desktop-file-install tool just so we can
massage desktop files into a semistandard form.

Then there's the issue of how Preferences type things are handled,

Needs a lot of work.


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