Re: Global Proxy Settings

On Fri, 2001-12-28 at 07:39, Michael Meeks wrote:
> Hi James,
> On Fri, 2001-12-28 at 07:16, Jonathan Blandford wrote:
> > > I'm currently writing a socket wrapper lib for version 2 of GNOME, and
> > > would like to support global proxy settings via GConf. The only sticky
> > > points are what to name the keys, and who installs the schema.
> 	It might be interesting to look into basing your socket wraper library
> on top of linc - have you considered that ?

Actually, I had only heard linc referred to twice. Once in reference to
ORBit not compiling and then in reference to some remote-control thing
(apparently of the same name?).

Looking at the README, HTML docs, and headers, I *think* it's too
high-level for what I'm doing. Mainly, it doesn't appear as though I
could emit signals based on the gethostbyname & connect return, or do
forward & reverse DNS w/ caching (all of which libgtcpsocket do now)
without rewriting some-to-a-lot of the code in linc. Also, I'm not
exactly sure how linc_main_loop_run() works with the Glib main loop, if
the gethostbyname call in linc is threaded (as it is in libgtcpsocket),
or how/if threads factor into linc (it doesn't appear as though they do,
really, it just seems as though it supports them).

IOW, I'd like to use it (even though it would mean I "wasted" months of
time figuring out TCP/IP from a programming standpoint :-)), but it
doesn't appear to allow me enough flexibility for the user experience
I'm aiming for with libgtcpsocket. It does look really useful for
behind-the-scenes stuff, like ORBit, though.

If I'm totally off base, or just kinda, please tell me, I'd like to be
able to use it if it's reasonable to do so (since ORBit2 already uses
linc, it would cut down on the memory footprint of applications if
libgtcpsocket could too) :-).

    Jim Cape

    "No cause, no God, no abstract idea can justify the mass
     slaughter of innocents."
        -- Edward Said

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