[Deskbar] Ideas for Deskbar applet, incl. rewrite in C

Some ideas for deskbar-applet. Please tell me your opinions:

1. Rewrite in C / gobject
There already are some mailing list posts about this issue. Time /
manpower was the limiting factor there. I would be willing to start
developing a full rewrite. However, any help in this regard by other
developers would be a greatly appreciated and needed here. So if 
someone would like to join me, please let me know. 

2. Split Program into libdeskbar and deskbar
This would make it possible (gobject would even make this easier)
to easily develop bindings to libdeskbar in other languages.
There might exist bindings for python, C# etc. 

3. Get rid of the applet-behavior
Why is this thing called applet anymore?
The new UI does not need to be an actual applet.
It could as well be presented as an icon in the system tray.
Left-click brings up the search window, right click the history.
We would get rid of lots of problems which are connected to the
gnome-panel and bonobo... Even the old button ui would still be possible
that way. I however would propose to always show the search dialog
centered on the screen, because that position gets the most attention
after all.

Actually a renaming would be appropriate too, because the application
is neither a "search bar" nor an applet anymore...

Please let me know what you think. Thanks for this great application.

Kind regards,

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