Re: [Deskbar] Module with multiple actions

On Sun, 2007-09-02 at 13:00 +0200, Sebastian P�erl wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Matthew Gregg schrieb:
> > I'm trying to extend one of my existing modules to support multiple
> > actions.  I'm using a single match with multiple "add_actions".  Unless
> > I include one of the stock actions, CopyToClipboardAction for example,
> > Deskbar seems to pick the first action and ignore the rest.  I'm
> > probably doing something horribly wrong, can anyone help?  I've attached
> > a very simple test module that attempts to show what I am doing.
> > 
> Deskbar takes the first action you added when you activate the match. If
> a match has more than one action a '>' is displayed on the right. If you
>  click on it you will see a list of actions.
That's the problem, I am trying to add multiple actions, but when the
module is activated I don't get a '>'.  Only the first action I add is
available.  It appears that Deskbar ignores my actions except one(the
first I add).

> - --
> Greetings,
> Sebastian P�erl
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> wo7ACIuj7/v2yt1TuBYKUlQ=
> =bMef
Matthew Gregg <mcg braintube com>

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