Re: [Deskbar] Google Apps search

Hi !

> Hi all,
> I have created a simple python script which uses mechanize to backup  
> my Google Apps documents; it would be pretty straightforward to  
> enhance it and create a deskbar handler for searching Google Apps  
> (premier or free editions).
> I used mechanize because at the moment the apps API are pretty  
> lacking, so I will have to investigate if such activity (simulating a  
> user browser to query Google Apps) constitutes a violation of the  
> terms of service.
> What do you think about this feature? Is it worth to implement?

This would certainly be interesting. However as you say, i don't think
it's acceptable in the terms of service. But you can release and say
it's not legal, but if you choose to use it, do it at your own risk :)

Another thing, we don't accept new handlers in the core package, because
it's too much maintainership. We instead provide the
webpage to put the handler or the bugzilla, so people that are
interested can download and install them easily.


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