Re: [Deskbar] tracker integration

2007/6/13, Jack Tanner <ihok hotmail com>:
Hello all,

What's the status of deskbar's integration with tracker? I'm asking because I
think the problem I'm seeing on Fedora 7 is due to a deskbar-tracker conflict.

(The problem is that I can't add deskbar to a panel, although I can manually run
/usr/lib64/deskbar-applet/deskbar-applet -w, all under x86_64.)

$ rpm -q deskbar-applet tracker

I would not expect that to be a problem... Maybe the tracker handler in 0.5.4 is actually outdated. Jamie?

Anyway could you try to see if you can find some tracker-related info in the terminal output  of /usr/lib64/deskbar-applet
/deskbar-applet -w?

Thanks. Cheers,

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