Re: [Deskbar] Design of deskbar-applet

2007/2/7, Sebastian Pölsterl <marduk k-d-w org>:
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Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen schrieb:
> Hi, all
> I almost forgot to tell you that I'm keeping a list of "design problems" in
> deskbar at
> If you have any issues that are not exactly "bugs", but just a cool thing
> that is near-impossible/very difficult to do atm, this is the place to
> spill
> your heart (not that I intend to do anything about it anytime soon).
- From the website:
"If we ever are to reimplement/port deskbar in/to another lanuage (C, D,
Vala, <favorite language>) this is a list of important things to keep in

Wow, are you planing to do a re-write?

No, not really. I would *like* to do a rewrite in something that compiles to native code, but my time is extremely limited so I'm not even seriously considering it. It's just that *if* someone would ever want to start on this project there should be a list of gotchas.

I add some addition flaws very soon.

Please do. Even though it may be quite a long term investment, I think it will be useful some day.


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