Re: [Deskbar] Deskbar applet 0.9 series

On 1/27/06, Raphael Slinckx <raphael slinckx net> wrote:
> Hello !
> I began releasing 0.9.x tarballs of deskbar applet on my own webpage so
> you guys can test it and report problems with the new deskbar, and also
> the new UI. Finding regressions is also good.
> Enjoy at this url:
> This tarball is NOT for public release, but for personal use. When i get
> some feedback and feel the program is ready for a wider audience, we
> will release it officially on the gnome FTP server.
> Raf

Looks better than ever! :)

one thing i'd still like to see is having focus (the carret) on the
search box when i press the shortcut, wich doesnt happen. its a bit
anoying pressing Alt+F3 and still having to click the search box to
type something....

João Inácio
jcinacio gmail com

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