Re: [Deskbar] first attempt at a cuemiac/pearl merge

On Sat, 2006-01-07 at 04:13 +0100, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen wrote:
> Here is a monster patch applying against HEAD. Apply it from the
> toplevel deskbar-applet dir.
> Facts:
> - Uses cairo so requires gtk 2.8. (right?)
> - Not integrated into panel yet. Only window mode.
> - Quite functional, but read through the top comments in
>   deksbar/ before you flame me.
> - Have python bindings for beagle installed together with a running
> beagled for extra bonus leetness!
> Run with "python" from deskbar-applet/deskbar.
> Cheers
> Mikkel

Just to follow up on self... Here's a revised version of the
headers so you won't have to to rumage around with diffs to get a clear
view of how far we/I are/am.


# Release dependant:
# - (EASY/MEDIUM) Some way of marking the default match to be executed.
#   Hint: Use cairo. gtk.TreeView.get_bin_window() to obtain a
# - (EASY?) Pass focus properly from entry to results window
# - (EASY) Expanding should be possible with enter/space as well
# - (?) The entry loose focus sometimes when the CuemiacWindow appears,
#   really annoying!
# - (MEDIUM) Store expandedness state of categories
# Would be really really nice:
# - (MEDIUM) User defined (non-static) categories *WITHOUT PERFOMANCE
# - (?) Optimize memory and speed
# - (?) Multiscreen logic.
# Bonus features/Ideas
# - (HARD) Detach the search window to "store" the search
# - (MEDIUM) Drag hits onto desktop/nautilus

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