[Deskbar] Cuemiac in the panel
- From: Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen <kamstrup daimi au dk>
- To: deskbar-applet-list gnome org
- Subject: [Deskbar] Cuemiac in the panel
- Date: Wed, 08 Feb 2006 23:56:39 +0100
Attached is a version of the Cuemiac that has the text entry in the
panel instead... This will need a lot of polish and testing...
To enable it, stick it in deskbar/ui/cuemiac/ and manually hardwire it
in DeskbarEntry.py.
import gtk, gobject, gnomeapplet
import deskbar
from deskbar.ui.DeskbarUI import DeskbarUI
from deskbar.ui.cuemiac.CuemiacAlignedWindow import CuemiacAlignedWindow
from deskbar.ui.cuemiac.Cuemiac import CuemiacModel
from deskbar.ui.cuemiac.Cuemiac import CuemiacTreeView
from deskbar.ui.cuemiac.Cuemiac import Nest
from deskbar.ui.cuemiac.Cuemiac import CuemiacCategory
from deskbar.ui.cuemiac.CuemiacHistory import CuemiacHistoryPopup
from deskbar.DeskbarHistory import get_deskbar_history
from deskbar.ui.EntryHistoryManager import EntryHistoryManager
class CuemiacEntryInPanelUI (DeskbarUI):
navigation_keys = [65364, 65362, 43, 45, 65293] # Down, Up, +, -, Enter
def __init__ (self, applet, prefs):
DeskbarUI.__init__ (self, applet, prefs)
self.default_entry_pixbuf = deskbar.Utils.load_icon("deskbar-applet-small.png", width=-1)
self.clipboard = gtk.clipboard_get (selection="PRIMARY")
self.icon_entry = deskbar.iconentry.IconEntry ()
self.popup = CuemiacAlignedWindow (self.icon_entry, applet)
self.entry = self.icon_entry.get_entry ()
self.entry_icon = gtk.Image ()
self.icon_event_box = gtk.EventBox ()
self.history = get_deskbar_history ()
self.history_popup = CuemiacHistoryPopup (self.history, self.entry_icon, applet)
self.model = CuemiacModel ()
self.cview = CuemiacTreeView (self.model)
self.scroll_win = gtk.ScrolledWindow ()
self.scroll_win.set_policy (gtk.POLICY_NEVER, gtk.POLICY_AUTOMATIC)
self.set_layout_by_orientation (applet.get_orient())
self.popup.add (self.scroll_win)
self.scroll_win.add (self.cview)
# Set up the event box for the entry icon
self.icon_event_box.set_property('visible-window', False)
self.entry_icon.set_property('pixbuf', self.default_entry_pixbuf)
self.icon_entry.pack_widget (self.icon_event_box, True)
self.entry_icon.set_property('pixbuf', self.default_entry_pixbuf)
self.popup.set_border_width (1)
self.history_popup.set_border_width (1)
self.scroll_win.connect ("size-request", lambda box, event: self.adjust_popup_size())
on_entry_changed_id = self.entry.connect ("changed", self.on_entry_changed)
# Connect first the history handler then the regular key handler
self.history_entry_manager = EntryHistoryManager(self.entry, on_entry_changed_id)
self.history_entry_manager.connect('history-set', self.on_history_set)
self.icon_event_box.connect ("button-press-event", self.on_icon_button_press)
self.entry.connect ("key-press-event", self.on_entry_key_press)
self.entry.connect_after ("changed", lambda entry : self.update_entry_icon())
self.entry.connect ("activate", self.on_entry_activate)
self.entry.connect ("button-press-event", self.on_entry_button_press)
self.cview.connect ("key-press-event", self.on_cview_key_press)
self.cview.connect ("match-selected", self.on_match_selected)
self.cview.connect_after ("cursor-changed", lambda treeview : self.update_entry_icon())
self.history_popup.connect ("match-selected", self.on_match_selected, True)
self.history_popup.connect ("key-press-event", self.on_history_key_press)
self.screen_height = self.popup.get_screen().get_height ()
self.screen_width = self.popup.get_screen().get_width ()
self.max_window_height = int (0.8 * self.screen_height)
self.max_window_width = int (0.6 * self.screen_width)
# Setup a bunch of window hiding conditions
self.cview.connect ("focus-out-event", lambda widget, event : self.hide_window(self.popup))
self.history_popup.connect ("focus-out-event", lambda widget, event : self.hide_window(self.history_popup))
self.scroll_win.show_all ()
self.icon_entry.show_all ()
self.history_popup.get_child().show ()
except Exception, msg:
self.invalid = True
def update_entry_icon (self, icon=None):
if icon == None:
icon = self.default_entry_pixbuf
path, column = self.cview.get_cursor ()
if path != None:
item = self.model[self.model.get_iter(path)][self.model.MATCHES]
if item.__class__ != CuemiacCategory and item.__class__ != Nest:
text, match = item
self.entry_icon.set_property('pixbuf', icon)
self.entry_icon.set_size_request(deskbar.ICON_WIDTH, deskbar.ICON_HEIGHT)
def show_popup (self, time=None):
self.adjust_popup_size ()
self.popup.update_position ()
self.update_entry_icon ()
if time:
self.popup.present_with_time (time)
self.popup.present ()
def hide_window (self, window, time=None):
self.cview.get_selection().unselect_all ()
self.history_popup.list_view.get_selection().unselect_all ()
window.hide ()
self.update_entry_icon ()
if time:
self.receive_focus (time)
def receive_focus (self, time):
# Left-Mouse-Button should focus the GtkEntry widget (for Fitt's Law
# - so that a click on applet border on edge of screen activates the
# most important widget).
# GNOME 2.12
except AttributeError:
self.entry.select_region(0, -1)
def get_view (self):
return self.icon_entry
def set_sensitive (self, active):
self.icon_entry.set_sensitive (active)
self.entry_icon.set_sensitive (active)
self.icon_event_box.set_sensitive (active)
def on_match_selected (self, cview, match, is_historic=False):
if match.__class__ == Nest or match.__class__ == CuemiacCategory:
self.emit ("match-selected", match[0], match[1])
if is_historic:
self.hide_window (self.history_popup)
self.hide_window (self.popup)
def on_change_orient (self, applet):
self.set_layout_by_orientation (applet.get_orient())
def on_change_size (self, applet):
def append_matches (self, matches):
if self.invalid :
self.invalid = False
entry_text = self.entry.get_text().strip()
#valid_matches = False
#for text, match in matches:
# if text == entry_text: # FIXME: Maybe it will suffice to only check the first match
# self.model.append ((text,match))
# valid_matches = True
#if valid_matches:
# self.popup.show_all ()
for text, match in matches:
self.model.append ((text, match))
self.show_popup ()
def middle_click(self):
text = self.clipboard.wait_for_text ()
if text != None:
self.deskbar_button.button_main.set_active (True)
def set_layout_by_orientation (self, orient):
"""orient should be a gnomeapplet.ORIENT_{UP,DOWN,LEFT,RIGHT}."""
if orient in [gnomeapplet.ORIENT_LEFT, gnomeapplet.ORIENT_RIGHT, gnomeapplet.ORIENT_DOWN]:
self.cview.append_method = gtk.TreeStore.append
# We are at a bottom panel. Put entry on bottom, and prepend matches (instead of append).
self.cview.append_method = gtk.TreeStore.prepend
# Update how the popups is aligned
self.popup.alignment = self.applet.get_orient ()
self.history_popup.alignment = self.applet.get_orient ()
# Update how the popups is aligned
self.popup.alignment = self.applet.get_orient ()
self.history_popup.alignment = self.applet.get_orient ()
def adjust_popup_size (self):
"""adjust window size to the size of the children"""
# FIXME: Should we handle width intelligently also?
w, h = self.cview.size_request ()
h = h + self.icon_entry.allocation.height + 4 # To ensure we don't always show scrollbars
h = min (h, self.max_window_height)
w = min (w, self.max_window_width)
if w > 0 and h > 0:
self.popup.resize (w, h)
def on_entry_changed (self, entry):
qstring = self.entry.get_text().strip()
self.cview.set_query_string (qstring)
if qstring == "":
self.hide_window (self.popup) # FIXME the entry looses focus here... We really need an event time to fix this
self.emit ("stop-query")
self.invalid = True
self.emit ("start-query", qstring, 100)
def on_entry_key_press (self, entry, event):
if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Escape:
# bind Escape to clear the GtkEntry
self.emit ("stop-query")
self.model.clear ()
self.hide_window (self.popup, event.time)
return True
if event.state>k.gdk.MOD1_MASK != 0:
# Some Handlers want to know about Alt-keypress
# combinations, for example. Here, we notify such
# Handlers.
text = entry.get_text().strip()
if text != "":
self.emit('keyboard-shortcut', text, event.keyval)
# Broadcast an escape
event.state = 0
event.keyval = gtk.keysyms.Escape
entry.emit('key-press-event', event)
return True
if event.keyval == 65362: # Up
self.show_popup (event.time)
self.cview.grab_focus ()
last = self.cview.last_visible_path ()
self.cview.set_cursor (last)
return True
if event.keyval == 65364: # Down
self.show_popup (event.time)
self.cview.grab_focus ()
self.cview.set_cursor (self.model.get_path(self.model.get_iter_first()))
return True
return False
def on_history_key_press (self, history, event):
if event.keyval == gtk.keysyms.Escape:
self.hide_window (self.history_popup, event.time)
self.update_entry_icon ()
def on_history_set(self, historymanager, set):
if set:
text, match = historymanager.current_history
self.update_entry_icon (icon=match.get_icon())
def on_entry_activate(self, widget):
# if we have an active history item, use it
if self.history_entry_manager.current_history != None:
text, match = self.history_entry_manager.current_history
self.on_match_selected(widget, (text, match))
path, column = self.cview.get_cursor ()
iter = None
if path != None:
iter = self.model.get_iter (path)
if iter is None:
# No selection, select top element # FIXME do this
iter = self.model.get_iter_first()
while (not self.model.iter_has_child(iter)) or (not self.cview.row_expanded(self.model.get_path(iter))):
iter = self.model.iter_next(iter)
iter = self.model.iter_children(iter)
if iter is None:
# FIXME check that selection is not cat or nest, and then activate
self.on_match_selected(widget, self.model[iter][self.model.MATCHES])
def on_cview_key_press (self, cview, event):
# If this is an ordinary keystroke just let the
# entry handle it.
if not event.keyval in self.navigation_keys:
self.entry.event (event)
return True
path, column = cview.get_cursor ()
model = cview.get_model ()
if model.paths_equal (path, model.get_path(model.get_iter_first())):
if event.keyval == 65362: # Up
self.cview.get_selection().unselect_all ()
self.applet.request_focus (long(event.time))
self.entry.grab_focus ()
elif model.paths_equal (path, cview.last_visible_path()):
if event.keyval == 65364: # Down
self.cview.get_selection().unselect_all ()
self.applet.request_focus (long(event.time))
self.entry.grab_focus ()
return False
def on_icon_button_press (self, widget, event):
if not self.icon_event_box.get_property ('sensitive'):
return False
if event.button == 3:
self.applet.emit ("button-press-event", event)
return True
elif event.button == 1:
self.history_popup.update_position ()
self.history_popup.present_with_time (event.time)
return True
return False
def on_entry_button_press(self, widget, event):
# GNOME 2.12
except AttributeError:
return False
gobject.type_register (CuemiacEntryInPanelUI)
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