[Deskbar] Documenting deskbar-applet

I think we should start documenting deskbar-applet. There are several benefits from this, I will only elaborate on it unless people object to the idea.

I don't wan't to document every obscure method, but some pieces of the code deserves to be documented (some one think of the kids!).

To this end I suggest we use epydoc. It is simple and straight forward, relatively mainstream (installed default on Dapper) and provides resonably desent html output. I've attached a tarball of some documented test classes. You can generate the documentation by "epydoc test_doc" (standing just outside the dir from the tarball). You can see more on epydoc on http://epydoc.sf.net.

What do you guys say? Cheers,

PS: Needles to say, I'll document the newly refactored classes if we agree on this.

Attachment: test_doc.tar.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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