Re: [Deskbar] Google Live handler!

On Mon, 2005-10-17 at 17:05 +0100, Joao Inacio wrote:
> >
> > ok, i added again a "gtk.threads_init()" to the deskbar-applet file,
> > now i can see the query results in debug, but there's no result
> > "popup" for the matches :(
> >
> >
> Sorry, please disregard last message... thats what happens when i dont
> have enough coffee in the morning...
> after adding the 'gtk.threads_init()', the live query is working but
> the results dont extend the popup size (instead, the popup gets a
> vertical scrollbar, even when the size was only a couple matches)

Indeed, that's he behavior of entry_completion, mikkel and I don't like
it, and we thought about replacing it, unfortunately it isn't going to
be easy, even if i have a demo hack. I prefer working on other things
before getting to it. I attach for future reference the work against
current CVS, just try it, and see that it may be possible, but not easy
because of focus issues.

I am going to restore the threads init in CVS, because otherwise async
handlers will be broken :)

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