[Deskbar] A release ?

Hi !

Nigel, you talked about a release a couple of days ago. I think it can
be done now the new icon have landed.

Is the ldap issue more or less resolved ? The release will be the first
one to have sync evolution address book.

So you give me your green light and i can upload the tarball to the
gnome ftp, since i've now a ssh account on it.

Concerning the cuemiac branch, i don't have enough time nor knowledge
these days to actively develop on it, and mikel has done 90% of the job
on it. Given the circumstances, and his mindboggling experiences right
now with his girl, i think we'll have to wait for him to continue this,
which means possibly in a long time.
I'll have my exams, starting to study end december, til end january.
Which lead us to the gnome release. I guess the cuemiac will have to
land after that, unless someone can help.

What we can do is to look at the optional alt-f2 replacement before the
gnome release. that should be fairly straightforward.


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