Re: huge space usage

On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 6:48 PM, drago01 <drago01 gmail com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2008 at 6:44 PM, D Bera <dbera web gmail com> wrote:
>>> I got a bugreport about beagle using 243GB for ~/.beagle which seems a
>>> bit high ;)
>>> Any ideas? (besides what I already asked there)
>> drats! Thats with 0.3.7.
>> I am pretty sure the user does not have the log files and it is
>> probably one error being logged every second or something. For
>> repeated errors we print only one line "(Repeated)" but even that
>> could accumulate quickly.
> OK.
>> I have to think about the error reporting and log file usage. BTW,
>> does Fedora use the debug-no-spew patch everyone else uses (the one
>> which reduces the default log level = debug) ?
> Yes
>> At this point there is nothing that can be done. If the user had the
>> log files, then "tail -n 100 ~/.beagle/current-*" and "head -n100
>> ~/.beagle/current-*" would have given some information.
> OK thanks, will ask him this if he still has the files.

he deleted them, but seems like it might be related to weird log messages see:

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