Survey: how private are home directories?


I'm interested in figuring out how Beagle and similar new tools for
managing files can be used in collaborative ways. For this I'm
conducting a survey that asks people to classify their files in their
home directories into four categories based on how widely they are or
can be shared (i.e., not at all, between multiple machines of the
same user, among a group of users, or among the public). I will
present results of this survey in a Work-in-Progress talk and poster
at FAST on Feb 27 (

Please consider participating in this survey. Instructions are at

I apologize in advance if this message is inappropriate for this
forum. Please disregard if that is the case.


p.s.: sorry about the duplication -- this time with subject line.

Dr. Carlos Maltzahn
Research Scientist	
Computer Science Department
University of California, Santa Cruz

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