Giant logfile again

Hi all,

I've got another huge 20GByte logfile (beagle 0.2.18 on openSUSE 10.3,
x86_64): Below are the last lines with meaning.

There was no activity for 30 minutes and a shutdown was initiated. A
thread was aborted, see line 7 in the printout below. Until that point
the logfile was only 5MByte.

The remaining lines are only messages like shown in the last line:
   Skipping over finished thread 1 of 1: EHT 05944 ...
rocketed the log file size up to 20GByte in less than 2 hours.

Any idea what went wrong ?

BTW, it stopped at 20GByte size because I've moved my $HOME/.beagle/Log
to a dedicated 20G partition. I've seen already log files larger than
200GByte - see an earlier thread in this mailing list.


20071117 13:09:41.6888 05941 IndexH DEBUG: Helper Size: VmRSS=31.5 MB, size=2.23, 30.7%
20071117 13:09:45.2019 05941 IndexH DEBUG: Helper Size: VmRSS=33.2 MB, size=2.34, 33.5%
20071117 13:09:45.6528 05941 IndexH DEBUG: FileSystemIndex optimized in 46.53s
20071117 13:09:48.2106 05941 IndexH DEBUG: Helper Size: VmRSS=33.7 MB, size=2.38, 34.4%
20071117 13:39:45.8631 05941 IndexH DEBUG: No activity for 30.0 minutes, shutting down
20071117 13:39:45.8650 05941 IndexH  INFO: Shutdown requested
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG: Thread aborted: EHT 05944 [05941 IndexHelper] Beagle.Daemon.Server:Run
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:   at (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Object:__icall_wrapper_mono_thread_interruption_checkpoint ()
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:   at (wrapper managed-to-native)
System.Globalization.CultureInfo:construct_datetime_format ()
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:   at System.Globalization.CultureInfo.get_DateTimeFormat () [0x00000]
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:   at System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.get_CurrentInfo () [0x00000]
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:   at System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.GetInstance (IFormatProvider
provider) [0x00000]
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:   at System.DateTime.ToString (System.String format, IFormatProvider fp)
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:   at System.String.FormatHelper (System.Text.StringBuilder result,
IFormatProvider provider, System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x00000]
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:   at System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat (IFormatProvider provider,
System.String format, System.Object[] args) [0x00000]
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:   at System.Text.StringBuilder.AppendFormat (System.String format,
System.Object arg0, System.Object arg1) [0x00000]
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:   at Beagle.Util.Log.WriteLine (LogLevel level, System.String format,
System.Object[] args, System.Exception ex) [0x00000]
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:   at Beagle.Util.Log.Debug (System.String message, System.Object[] args)
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:   at Beagle.Util.Logger.Debug (System.String message, System.Object[] args)
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:   at Beagle.Daemon.Server.Run () [0x00000]
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:   at Beagle.Util.ExceptionHandlingThread.ThreadStarted () [0x00000]
20071117 13:39:45.8667 05941 IndexH DEBUG:
20071117 13:39:45.9036 05941 IndexH DEBUG: All workers have finished.  Exiting main loop.
20071117 13:39:45.9047 05941 IndexH DEBUG: Skipping over finished thread 1 of 2: EHT 05944 [05941 IndexHelper]
20071117 13:39:45.9048 05941 IndexH DEBUG: Joining thread 2 of 2: EHT 05946 [05941 IndexHelper]
20071117 13:39:46.7391 05941 IndexH DEBUG: Skipping over finished thread 1 of 1: EHT 05944 [05941 IndexHelper]

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