Re: Archive filtering problem

Hi Stephan,

Found another filter problem in my logs with a compressed avi-File
which is obviously too big (>10MB). The debug message says:
     ... skipping over ...

But why is it throwing an System.ArgumentNullException (Argument
cannot be null) then ?

The same happens to two other bzip2 compressed tif images which
are bigger than 10 meg.

Good catch. This will happen for oversized non-tar archives. I will
fix it early next week. If you want to try the fix on your local
system, in Filters/FilterArchive.cs:GetNextEntrySingle(),
   entry.MimeType = XdgMime.GetMimeType (entry.TempFile);

   if (entry.TempFile != null)
       entry.Size = new FileInfo (entry.TempFile).Length;
   if (entry.TempFile != null) {
       entry.Size = new FileInfo (entry.TempFile).Length;
       entry.MimeType = XdgMime.GetMimeType (entry.TempFile);

- dBera

Debajyoti Bera @
beagle / KDE fan
Mandriva / Inspiron-1100 user

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