GSoc 2007 Weekly report (Browser Extension Rewrite)

Hi, All.
Time for weekly report.
what I have done

   * Preference Window design and implement
   * exclude / include rule design
   * preference save / load implement ( using json format)

some problems:
I have read the old extension's code. I'm a little confused.
It seems that the extension write the meta data (url, title, etc) of
an web page into a file (in ~/.beagle/ToIndex ) and then overwritten
it with the content of the web page.
Then it works. The page is indexed. It doesn't call beagle-index-url.
I need more information about how beagle index the file. How does
beagle know the file  is an web page ?
(I have read the wiki, but failed to found any information about it)
Any links?

What to do next (may need more than a week):

   * Other UI design and implement (context menu,toolbar/status bar icon)
   * index html pages
   * some document

Tao Fei (陶飞)
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