Re: Dashboard-hackers Digest, Vol 28, Issue 30

Pierre Östlund wrote:
I'm noting a very strange behaviour here and my last patch is yet not giving me enough information to troubleshoot this (man is this frustrating). So... I've created a patch that should print enough information to figure out what's (not) going on.
Here's the results with the latest patch applied (on the latest cvs) - hope it helps!

060903 2016087798 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting Beagle Daemon (version 0.2.9)
060903 2016088107 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Running on Mono
060903 2016088114 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Command Line: /usr/local/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemon.exe --bg
060903 2016088239 20907 Beagle  WARN: Extended attributes are not supported on this filesystem.  Performance will suffer as a result.
060903 2016088261 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Unable to establish a connection to the X server
060903 2016093248 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting main loop
060903 2016093269 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Beginning main loop
060903 2016093277 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting messaging server
060903 2016093659 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting QueryDriver
060903 2016095568 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Found index helper at /usr/local/lib/beagle/beagled-index-helper
060903 2016096176 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Found 2 backends in /usr/local/lib/beagle/Backends/EvolutionBackends.dll
060903 2016096543 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Running Thunderbird backend in debug mode
060903 2016096546 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Found 1 backends in /usr/local/lib/beagle/Backends/ThunderbirdBackends.dll
060903 2016096950 20907 Beagle DEBUG: KMail folders not found. Will keep trying 
060903 2016097461 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting Inotify Backend
060903 2016106433 20907 Beagle DEBUG: KonqCacheDir: /var/tmp/kdecache-tom/http
060903 2016106635 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Found 10 backends in /usr/local/lib/beagle/BeagleDaemonLib.dll
060903 2016106649 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Reading mapping from filters
060903 2016106778 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Loading user-configured static indexes.
060903 2016106782 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Found 0 user-configured static indexes..
060903 2016106783 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Waiting 60 seconds before starting queryables
060903 2016106795 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting Scheduler thread
060903 2016106813 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting Inotify threads
060903 2016106883 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Daemon initialization finished after 1.36s
060903 2017106850 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting queryables
060903 2017106854 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting backend: 'EvolutionDataServer'
060903 2017106864 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting backend: 'EvolutionMail'
060903 2017106871 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting backend: 'Thunderbird'
060903 2017106885 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting backend: 'KMail'
060903 2017106905 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting Evolution mail backend
060903 2017106924 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting backend: 'Files'
060903 2017106945 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Adding root: /home/tom
060903 2017106922 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting Thunderbird backend
060903 2017107034 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting KMail backend
060903 2017107045 20907 Beagle DEBUG: KMail directories (local mail) /home/tom/.kde/share/apps/kmail/dimap not found, will repoll.
060903 2017107522 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting mail crawl
060903 2017108141 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Will index mbox /home/tom/.evolution/mail/local/Inbox
060903 2017108284 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Opening mbox Inbox
060903 2017108613 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Overall percent is 0
060903 2017108635 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Mail crawl finished
060903 2017108637 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Evolution mail driver worker thread done in .17s
060903 2017111581 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Inbox: Finished indexing 1 messages
060903 2017112618 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Loaded 1 records from /home/tom/.beagle/Indexes/EvolutionMailIndex/FileAttributesStore.db in 0.000s
060903 2017114787 20907 Beagle DEBUG: account.account: 1
060903 2017114797 20907 Beagle DEBUG: account.account: 2
060903 2017114802 20907 Beagle DEBUG: account.account: 3
060903 2017114805 20907 Beagle DEBUG: account.account: 4
060903 2017114808 20907 Beagle DEBUG: account.account: 5
060903 2017114812 20907 Beagle DEBUG: account.account: 7
060903 2017115097 20907 Beagle DEBUG: ReadAccounts: 6 accounts
060903 2017115238 20907 Beagle DEBUG: ReadAccounts 2: server.server2
060903 2017115369 20907 Beagle DEBUG: ReadAccounts 2: server.server3
060903 2017115372 20907 Beagle DEBUG: ReadAccounts 2: server.server4
060903 2017115374 20907 Beagle DEBUG: ReadAccounts 2: server.server5
060903 2017115384 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Processing xxxxxx exchange3 xxxxxx ac uk (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/
060903 2017115659 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Request to index: xxxxxx exchange3 xxxxxx ac uk (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/ Ok
060903 2017115677 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Recursively indexing /home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/
060903 2017118652 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Overall percent is 100
060903 2017118662 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Inbox: indexed 1 messages
060903 2017119908 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Indexing Pop3 account xxxxxx exchange3 xxxxxx ac uk (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/
060903 2017119911 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Processing mail xxxxxxxx (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/
060903 2017119913 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Request to index: mail xxxxxxxx (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/ Ok
060903 2017119914 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Recursively indexing /home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/
060903 2017121680 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Indexing Pop3 account mail xxxxxxxx (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/
060903 2017121683 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Processing tom none com (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/
060903 2017121685 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Request to index: tom none com (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/ Ok
060903 2017121687 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Recursively indexing /home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/
060903 2017124648 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Indexing Pop3 account tom none com (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/
060903 2017124651 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Processing dev none none com (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/
060903 2017124895 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Request to index: dev none none com (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/ Ok
060903 2017124898 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Recursively indexing /home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/
060903 2017126319 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Indexing Pop3 account dev none none com (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/Mail/
060903 2017126322 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Processing 2q39z7yx.default (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/abook.mab)
060903 2017126323 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Request to index: 2q39z7yx.default (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/abook.mab) Failed
060903 2017128351 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Indexing AddressBook account 2q39z7yx.default (/home/tom/.mozilla-thunderbird/2q39z7yx.default/abook.mab)
060903 2017128353 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Indexing 5 (5) Thunderbird account(s) spread over 1 profile(s)
060903 2017128355 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Thunderbird backend done in 2.134157s
060903 2017134771 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Loaded 42922 records from /home/tom/.beagle/Indexes/FileSystemIndex/FileAttributesStore.db in 2.733s
060903 2017134847 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Done starting FileSystemQueryable
060903 2017134850 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting backend: 'GaimLog'
060903 2017134857 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting backend: 'IndexingService'
060903 2017134878 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting backend: 'Tomboy'
060903 2017134897 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Setting up an initial crawl of the IndexingService directory
060903 2017134920 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting backend: 'Blam'
060903 2017134946 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Scanning Tomboy notes...
060903 2017134953 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting backend: 'Liferea'
060903 2017134965 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting backend: 'Akregator'
060903 2017134998 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting Gaim log backend
060903 2017135175 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Setting up inotify watches on gaim log directories
060903 2017135194 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting backend: 'KonquerorHistory'
060903 2017135225 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting backend: 'Kopete'
060903 2017135265 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Scanning addressbooks and calendars
060903 2017137873 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Starting Konq history backend ...
060903 2017137976 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Loaded 31 records from /home/tom/.beagle/Indexes/TomboyIndex/FileAttributesStore.db in 0.001s
060903 2017138117 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Scanned 31 notes in .32s
060903 2017141143 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Caught ResponseMessageException: Connection refused
060903 2017141147 20907 Beagle DEBUG: InnerException is SocketException -- we probably need to launch a helper
060903 2017141163 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Launching helper process
060903 2017141341 20907 Beagle DEBUG: IndexHelper PID is 20940
060903 2017142164 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Gaim log backend worker thread done in .70s
060903 2017151426 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Found IndexHelper (20940) in 1.01s
060903 2017187427 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Getting addressbook changes for file:///home/tom/.evolution/addressbook/local/system
060903 2017188419 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Addressbook file:///home/tom/.evolution/addressbook/local/system: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
060903 2017192615 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Getting calendar changes for file:///home/tom/.evolution/calendar/local/system
060903 2017192991 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Calendar file:///home/tom/.evolution/calendar/local/system: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
060903 2017197693 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Getting calendar changes for contacts:///
060903 2017197701 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Calendar contacts:///: 0 added, 0 changed, 0 removed
060903 2017197722 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Scanned addressbooks and calendars in 6.25s
060903 2017197760 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Sequence complete!
060903 2017541280 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Removing old Thunderbird objects
060903 2017579904 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Loaded 847 records from /home/tom/.beagle/Indexes/KonqHistoryIndex/FileAttributesStore.db in 0.037s
060903 2017585495 20907 Beagle DEBUG: KonqQ: Crawling done
060903 2018049211 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Loaded 286 records from /home/tom/.beagle/Indexes/GaimLogIndex/FileAttributesStore.db in 0.020s
060903 2018155086 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Loaded 44 filters from /usr/local/lib/beagle/Filters/Filters.dll
060903 2018155235 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Done crawling '/home/tom'
060903 2018176590 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Done crawling '/home/tom/Desktop'
060903 2018214887 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Done crawling '/home/tom/development'
060903 2018235424 20907 Beagle DEBUG: Done crawling '/home/tom/programs'

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