Beagle Networked Searches (protocol)


Some time ago there was around a list of the projects that will be implemented during the Google Summer of Code. On this list I saw that Alexis Christoforides was accepted with the "Networked Searches (protocol)" project. I tried to find some information about how he is going to proceed, but unfortunately could not find anything. Is there any specification of the protocol Alexis is going to implement? When is he supposed to
finish the project?

The topic is very important for us at L3S Research Center ( because distributed search will also be addressed in one of the workpackages we have in the NEPOMUK project. Therefore it would be very helpful for us to get an idea of how things are going to
evolve in this direction.

Thanks and best regards,

Dipl. Ing. Raluca PAIU        Tel.: +49 (0)511 762-9764, -19717
Forschungszentrum L3S                 Fax.: +49 (0)511 762-9779
Deutscher Pavillon                          E-mail: paiu l3s de
Expo Plaza 1                        
30539 Hannover

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