Can't run 2.0 on Knoppix 4.0.2


I am successfully running beagle 0.1.2 on Knoppix/Debian 4.0.2.  When I
try any later versions, 0.1.3, 0.1.4, or 0.2, "beagled --fg --debug"
results in a crash with the following tail to the debugging output:

Debug: Adding root: /home/rozen
Error: Unhandled exception thrown.  Exiting immediately.
Error: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an
instance of an object
in <0x001cc> Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand:ExecuteReader
in <0x0001c> Mono.Data.SqliteClient.SqliteCommand:ExecuteNonQuery ()
in <0x0006b> Beagle.Daemon.FileAttributesStore_Sqlite:DoNonQuery
in <0x00292> Beagle.Daemon.FileAttributesStore_Sqlite:.ctor (string,string)
in <0x0003f> Beagle.Daemon.FileAttributesStore_Mixed:.ctor (string,string)
in <0x00034>
in <0x00018> Beagle.Daemon.LuceneQueryable:get_FileAttributesStore ()
in <0x00168>
in <0x000cf>
Beagle.Daemon.FileSystemQueryable.FileSystemQueryable:AddRoot (string)
in <0x00047>
Beagle.Daemon.FileSystemQueryable.FileSystemQueryable:LoadConfiguration ()
in <0x0002a> Beagle.Daemon.FileSystemQueryable.FileSystemQueryable:Start ()
in <0x00016> Beagle.Daemon.Queryable:Start ()
in <0x0008b> Beagle.Daemon.QueryDriver:StartQueryables ()
in <0x00047> (wrapper delegate-invoke)
System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_bool ()
in <0x0002a> TimeoutProxy:Handler ()
in <0x00036> (wrapper native-to-managed) TimeoutProxy:Handler ()
in (unmanaged) 0xb7ee71d3
in <0x00004> (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Application:gtk_main ()
in <0x00007> Gtk.Application:Run ()
in <0x006b3> Beagle.Daemon.BeagleDaemon:DoMain (string[])
in <0x00014> Beagle.Daemon.BeagleDaemon:Main (string[])

I have installed all of the dependencies that you mention in the
announcement and in desperation I even installed evolution which I do
not normally use.

I downloaded the source of beadle-0.2.0 and did the configuration and
build without any real mishaps other than having to update GMime. The
tail of the configuration execution is:

         Beagle Version:
        Target OS:              linux
        inotify?                yes

        Prefix:                 /usr/local
        GNOME Prefix:           /usr
        KDE Prefix:             /usr

        Evolution-Sharp?        yes
        gsf-sharp?              no
        wv1?                    yes
        galago-sharp?           yes
        libchm?                 no (Currently broken)

        Mozilla Extension?      yes
        Epiphany Extension?     no (Epiphany not installed)

        Local SqliteClient?     yes
        Sqlite version:         2.x

        Enable WebServices      no (WebServices are deprecated)
        Enable libbeagle        yes
        Enable python bindings  no

The traceback above suggests that the problem may be related to sqlite. The beagle site tells me that I require mono-data-sqlite package. How do I know if I have that package? I have installed mono- Where can I find the mono-data-sqlite package?

I really like and need the functionality of Beagle so I continue to run
0.1.2.  I would like to move ahead and would appreciate any suggestions.

Thanks in Advance,

Don Rozenberg
don rozenberg gmail com

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