beagle-search crash

After updating gmime, I didn't have any problems building beagle 0.2.0.
I am seeing some crashes when using the new beagle-search.  I haven't
quite nailed it down, but it appears if I click just a little bit off of
the found item, it will crash with this:

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not
set to an instance of an object
in <0x0002b> Beagle.SnippetRequest:.ctor (Beagle.Query query, Beagle.Hit
in <0x00039> Search.Tiles.Tile:RequestSnippet ()
in <0x002e9> Search.Tiles.RSSFeed:GetDetails ()
in <0x0000e> Search.Tiles.Tile:get_Details ()
in <0x00019> Search.MainWindow:ShowInformation (Search.Tiles.Tile tile)
in (wrapper delegate-invoke) System.MulticastDelegate:invoke_void_Tile
in <0x0004f> Search.GroupView:OnTileSelected (System.Object tile,
System.EventArgs args)
in (wrapper delegate-invoke)
in <0x0001b> Search.Tiles.Tile:OnFocusInEvent (Gdk.EventFocus f)
in <0x00054> Gtk.Widget:focusinevent_cb (IntPtr widget, IntPtr evnt)
in (wrapper native-to-managed) Gtk.Widget:focusinevent_cb
in <0x00000> <unknown method>
in (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Widget:gtk_widget_grab_focus (intptr)
in <0x00017> Gtk.Widget:GrabFocus ()
in <0x00011> Search.Tiles.Tile:OnButtonPressEvent (Gdk.EventButton b)
in <0x00054> Gtk.Widget:buttonpressevent_cb (IntPtr widget, IntPtr evnt)
in (wrapper native-to-managed) Gtk.Widget:buttonpressevent_cb
in <0x00000> <unknown method>
in (wrapper managed-to-native) Gtk.Application:gtk_main ()
in <0x00007> Gtk.Application:Run ()
in <0x00007> Gnome.Program:Run ()
in <0x000e9> Search.MainWindow:Main (System.String[] args)

George Sherwood

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